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The Music Therapy Charity

Evidence based approach to music therapy research, exploration and recovery.

The Music Therapy Charity: Skills


James's dissertation.png

Project overview

The Music Therapy Charity is an inspiring organisation who provide uses with high quality research to evidence the impact of music as a therapeutic tools which changes lives.


This project excited me. Having written my MA thesis on the Power of the Arts in Education, the work The Music Therapy Charity does is inspiring and up-lifting.

Music mobile.png

Project details

Client: Music Therapy Charity

Year: 2021


Project type: Conceptual, Solo

Role: UX Student Designer

Design sprint: Four day solo concept reskin of The Music Therapy Charity’s homepage


Deliverables: High-fidelity wireframe of homepage for 3 viewports (mobile, tablet, desktop) 


Duration: 1 week

Tools: Figma


Chiltern_Make_Music4 2.png

My role

This project was an exploration behind the energy, life and rhythm of music, therapy and storytelling.


The brief was to reskin the existing Music Therapy Charity website and I choose to focus my designs on the science behind music.

The Music Therapy Charity: Skills
Music Therapy Website3.png


Website review

My first step was to review the existing website to understand the organisation's mission and goals.

Two key areas were identified:

  1. The organisation's commitment to evidence based practice, grounded in research and insights

  2. A platform for music therapist to promote therapy sessions

The Music Therapy Charity: Bio


Identify issues

My next step was to evaluate the existing issues of the website and  the overall experience of music therapists. I interviewed 4 music therapist who use the website to get clients and discovered the following issues with the training academy experience:

  • Website doesn't get updated on a regular basis which means content is old and doesn't reflect current trends and practices

  • Lack of opportunities for therapists to promote their practices contrary to the websites commitment to finding work and funding for practitioners

  • Lack of creativity in website content and visuals

  • No standardised learning theories / principles

  • No opportunity for therapists and clients to network

The Music Therapy Charity: Bio
Warm Blurry Lights

Research, analysis and action 

Widening the research scope

I carried out a series of five interviews with people who use music as a tool for therapy. Rhythm, meditation, calmness and the vibrancy of sounds were key words used to describe the healing impact of music. Common practices used tools that excelled in resonance and intuitive approach to playing. Therefore therapists mainly used reed drums, the so-called tongue drum or slit drum in sessions.


The Insights

Through user research, I realized that the Music Therapy Trust therapists are moving more towards a holistic approach to therapy practices which combines the use of art, psychotherapy and movement to reduce stress. The final design therefore needed to represent these shifts. I used these insights to explore the interplay of music, art, psychology and illustrated these explorations through moodboards and my final designs which includes Carl Jung's Music Theory 'Dreams of the Subconscious'.



The Music Therapy Charity: Bio
Sound Healing

The healing power of music

Collectively therapists I interviewed said music therapy serves five purposes:

  1. Shifting patients attention from problems to solutions.

  2. Offering a rhythmic structure for relaxation and breathing.

  3. Helping clients visualize positive imagery that evokes pleasure and happiness.

  4. Helping them achieve a deep state of relaxation.

  5. Changing mood.

These science-based themes explored fundamental aspects of positive psychology including strengths, values and self-compassion as I delved deeper into the project's artefacts and 'tone of journey'.

The Music Therapy Charity: Image


Exploration and discovery

  • Tone of Journey

  • What the charity looks and sounds like

  • The science behind music research

  • Moodboards

  • Design system

  • Final Designs and iterations

The Music Therapy Charity: Text
Branding tone.png

Brand tone

I began with the brand tone and lent towards the experimental and playfulness to highlight the science behind music while touching on the joy (playfulness) which comes from creating music.

The Music Therapy Charity: Welcome
What I sound like, look like, act like (1).png

Delving deeper, I choose conscientious and spiritual to highlight what the design might look and act like and focused on ‘empowering’ as a tone for the UX copy.

The Music Therapy Charity: Bio
Therapy Journey moodboard (1).png

Colour exploration

To find the colours for this project I mood-boarded images and colours that conveyed discovery from unclear images representing the start of the therapy process to more focused images representing the therapeutic journey of discovery and connections.

The Music Therapy Charity: Bio
Headspace moodboard.png

Colour simplicity

After these explorations I explored simple imagery and colours to ensure Music Therapy’s story and science took centre stage in the design. This idea was influenced by my Comparison Analysis in which I drew inspiration from the Headspace design.

The Music Therapy Charity: Bio

Design inspiration

Comparative analysis looked at artists such as Kandinsky (see image below) who used music as inspiration for art. Content and design ideas were heavily influenced by Carl Jong’s Dreams of the Subconscious and colours chosen reflected the calmness, vibrancy and energy of music. 

For my own design I choose yellow for its energising nature and vitality and purple and red to symbolise introspection and discovery. I used Open Sans to keep that welcoming and assessable feel to the charity’s website.

The Music Therapy Charity: Welcome
iPhone 13_edited.png


The coloured ribbon on the bottom right of the designs above symbolises an alternative charity logo representing the vibrancy and energy of music.

The Music Therapy Charity: Bio
Desktop (1).png
The Music Therapy Charity: Portfolio


The ‘drumming on the off-beat’ reference you’ll see in my design below acknowledges the power of music to help patients understand and embrace their own rhythm to life.

The Music Therapy Charity: Bio

Final thoughts and reflections


The passion I have for this area of therapeutic support enabled me to drive design ideas forward with momentum and knowledge of the subject matter. It allowed me to moodboard, research and draw design inspiration as an empathetic designer who understands the organisation’s mission and why it matters.

I particularly liked the inclusiveness the images on the website provided, their focus on evidence based practice and work to ensure their website and services are accessible to all. 

My approach used user insights to better understand the therapeutic experience and human impact. Yes, it was well considered however did my designs follow the brief to reskin the charity website?

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This is where I felt my process and focus on the deliverables could have been stronger. My website redesign grow with its own identity and in doing so moved away from the original design to such an extent that it could have lived under a different charity name. On reflection, I could have made more use of existing content and UI to maintain the brand symmetry while introducing secondary colour choices to update and refresh the design.

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The Music Therapy Charity: Skills
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